Dynamic Holography Recording on the 14-Fluoro Bacteriorhodopsin Derivatives

Elena Korchemskaya1, Nikolai Burykin2, Angel de Lera3, Rosanna Alvarez3, Valery Shakhbazian4, and Anna Druzhko4

1Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences, 46 Prospect Nauki, Kiev, 03039 Ukraine,
2Institute of Applied Optics, National Academy of Sciences, Kiev, 03039 Ukraine,
3Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain, and
4Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Moscow region, 142290 Russia

e-mail: elkorch@iop.kiev.ua


The first experiments on the dynamic holography recording on the 14-fluoro bacteriorhodopsin (BR) derivatives, wild type (WT) and D96N mutant with red shift of the initial absorbance have been performed. Red shifted species (at 660 nm) are formed during the photoinduced transformation at different conditions for 14-F WT and 14-F D96N [1].

We use cw He-Ne laser, lambda=633 nm, for dynamic holography recording. A holographic kinetics on the 14-F BR derivatives are compared with that for native BR. The gelatin films with both 14-F BR derivatives and BR have the shortwavelength-absorbing M-state intermediates with absorption peak in the blue region. The cw He-Cd laser, lambda=442 nm, is used for the activation of M-intermediates. The 14-F BR derivatives demonstrate higher lifetime of M states than WT BR and D96N BR. The properties of the 14-F BR derivatives are very promising for their application in the compact optical memory devices due to possibility of use of small and inexpensive semiconductor lasers.

This work was in part supported by grant UB2-2427-KV-02 from the CRDF (to E.K. and N.B.) and grant 01-04-48198 from the RFBR (to V.S. and A.D.).